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Game Jam 2018


Updated: Apr 28, 2019

In my second year of university I took part in an event called the International Game Jam. The idea was that teams all over the world were given the task of creating a game in a set time frame [in this case about 36 hours roughly]. I was a part of a team that consisted of about 4 coders/game designers, two artists and another animator. What encouraged me to take part was that I liked the idea of doing a completely fresh extra curricular project for a weekend. Our idea was to make a game called Broken News. It involved the players acting as a small news team that you move around a board trying to capture news events. The art style was cute and simple. The idea was that everything would look like it was made of cardboard which would lead to a light hearted feel to through out every other facet of the production. I rigged, skinned and animated the four characters. Each character was based on the same mesh with various props added to on to define them.

I tried to give each character as unique a pose as I could to aid to making them stand out as being individuals. The intern for example has his ass sticking out which pushes his body forward. I then raised his hands to give him the look of someone who is submissive and almost begging. I also gave him more of a wobble to the head to make him look like there was less going on in his brain.

The reporter on the other hand has her arms swept back like she is entering a stage. I like the idea that the reporter is rather high maintenance.

The camera man and the audio technician are a lot less varied in their movements. Mainly as I kind of think of them as old veterans of industry that simply get on with things. They are a lot more chilled.


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